Friday, May 31, 2019
Embryonic and Adult Stem Cell Research Essay -- Exploratory Essays Res
Embryonic and Adult cornerstone electric stall look into With the advent of a childlike variety of scientific advances in the medical field, especially those improvements in health-related fields, the quality of life for the earths inhabitants has improved greatly over the past century. Scientists hap to improve upon current knowledge and expand the field of medicine. Over the past few years, scientists fix performed of import research pertaining to the study of stem cells. Many researchers lift up potential in the manipulation of stem cells - possible treatments for currently incurable diseases such(prenominal) as Alzheimers and Parkinsons (Goldstein). With these new discoveries, though, questions as to the morality of such practices arise. While few find an ethical problem with the processes involved in adult stem cell research, the destruction of thousands of helpless embryos is wrong and cannot compensate for the potential benefits of embryonic stem cell research, namely some saved lives.There currently exist devil primary methods of obtaining stem cells, or generic cells that have the potential to differentiate into more specialized cell types. Most stem cell research is through with(p) with embryonic stem cells. When the sperm and the egg liquify in the fertilization process, a single zygote cell forms. This cell contains all the same transmissible information as every cell in a fully developed human. The only difference is that this zygote has no special function, except to tell apart multiple times. These other cells that come about as a result of cell division eventually specialize into every type of cell in the body. Because embryonic stem cells have not interpreted on a specific purpose, they can be manipulated to form the type of cell desired, based on the environm... ...Center for Bioethics and homophile Dignity. Embryonic Stem Cell Research is Unethical. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center 2003. Farmington Hills, Michigan Gale Grou p. 18 October 2003. <http//www.galenet.comk/servlet/OVRCGoldstein, Lawrence S.B. Human Stem Cell Research is Ethical. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center 2003. Farmington Hills, Michigan Gale Group. 18 October 2003. <http//www.galenet.comk/servlet/OVRCJordan, Craig T. and Van Zant, Gary. The Biology of Stem Cells. The Biomedical Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 2000.Sullivan, Andrew. Early Human Embryos are Human Beings. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center 2003. Farmington Hills, Michigan Gale Group. 18 October 2003. <http//, Robert. Playing God - Redesiging Life. Ed. Edward Engelbrecht. St. Louis, MO Concordia Publishing House, 2002. Embryonic and Adult Stem Cell Research Essay -- Exploratory Essays ResEmbryonic and Adult Stem Cell Research With the advent of a wide variety of scientific advances in the medical field, especially those improvements in health-related fields, the quality of life for the earths inhabitants has improve d greatly over the past century. Scientists continue to improve upon current knowledge and expand the field of medicine. Over the past few years, scientists have performed significant research pertaining to the study of stem cells. Many researchers see potential in the manipulation of stem cells - possible treatments for currently incurable diseases such as Alzheimers and Parkinsons (Goldstein). With these new discoveries, though, questions as to the morality of such practices arise. While few find an ethical problem with the processes involved in adult stem cell research, the destruction of thousands of helpless embryos is wrong and cannot compensate for the potential benefits of embryonic stem cell research, namely some saved lives.There currently exist two primary methods of obtaining stem cells, or generic cells that have the potential to differentiate into more specialized cell types. Most stem cell research is done with embryonic stem cells. When the sperm and the egg combine in the fertilization process, a single zygote cell forms. This cell contains all the same genetic information as every cell in a fully developed human. The only difference is that this zygote has no special function, except to divide multiple times. These other cells that come about as a result of cell division eventually specialize into every type of cell in the body. Because embryonic stem cells have not taken on a specific purpose, they can be manipulated to form the type of cell desired, based on the environm... ...Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity. Embryonic Stem Cell Research is Unethical. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center 2003. Farmington Hills, Michigan Gale Group. 18 October 2003. <http//www.galenet.comk/servlet/OVRCGoldstein, Lawrence S.B. Human Stem Cell Research is Ethical. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center 2003. Farmington Hills, Michigan Gale Group. 18 October 2003. <http//www.galenet.comk/servlet/OVRCJordan, Craig T. and Van Zant, Gary. The Biology of St em Cells. The Biomedical Engineering Handbook. 2nd ed. 2000.Sullivan, Andrew. Early Human Embryos are Human Beings. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center 2003. Farmington Hills, Michigan Gale Group. 18 October 2003. <http//, Robert. Playing God - Redesiging Life. Ed. Edward Engelbrecht. St. Louis, MO Concordia Publishing House, 2002.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Philip Tompkins Organizational Communicatin Imperatives :: essays research papers
Philip Tompkins Organizational Communicatin ImperativesINTRODUCTIONIn the book Organizational Communication Imperatives, by Philip K.Tompkins, we are introduced to a chapter that deals with an organization that isheld under high prestige by not only those who are employed by it, but by acountry as well. This American organization is NASA, (National AeronauticalSpace Administration), and although a very prestigious place to work, it is notfree of its share of wrongdoing and parry productive ways. Ten years ago(1986), NASA was faced with its biggest catastrophe, The Challenger Explosion.This preventable event , which claimed the life of a crew of seven, left manyquestioning the energy of conversation throughout NASA. The idea that acrucial element of the space shuttle, O-Rings, would pass inspection, althoughmany scientists doubted the success of these, would be the ultimate cause of thecrews demise presently after lift off. It seems these scientists doubts wereoverlooked by a hig her authority who gave the go ahead knowing the risk atstake.The United States Army, well know for its maintaining of order andconduct, has fallen into a most peculiar and shameful predicament due to lack ofcommunication. The New York time brought its readers to the attention that allwas not honorable in the military. An organization that shares a similar prestigeto that of NASA, an organization who has exemplified its leadership time andtime again by becoming a force, so powerful, that it is sometimes considered topolice the world, has fallen into a sex abuse scandal. It seems that severalwomen have come forward to proclaim their mistreatment from various acts rangingfrom rape to verbal harassment instilled upon them by members of the military.These women feel, had there been a genuine form of organizational communication,the study of sending and receiving messages, they would not have fell victimsto such hideous crimes. Senator Barbara Boxer stated (New York Times 11/96)that the complaints made by the women who came forward immediately were lostsomewhere along the line in an attempt to reach a higher authority, signifying aneed for some type of restructure.STRENGTHSIn the minds of many people today the United States Army Is consideredto have one of the best structured organizational communication networks. Thisis based upon the specified code of conduct that the Army is underlyingly ruledby. This is upheld by the specific chain of command which is easilydistinguished by rank and uniform. austere punishment is carried out upon thosewho violate rules and conduct, commonly accepted by this organization. Theauthority figures, in the Army, set tasks, and relay a common purpose to all
Panthers :: essays research papers
Bobby SealeBobby Seale was one of the co-founders of the Black Panther Party. He was born on October 22, 1939 in Dallas Texas. By the time Bobby was ten his family moved to Oakland, California where he would have a rough childhood. Seales family was very poor so this just added to his dire childhood. Bobby eventually dropped out of high school and at 18 he was indicted into the Air Force. He was immediately sent to Amarillo, Texas to receive training as an aircraft sheet-metal mechanic. He soon graduated from the Technical School Class of Air Force training with honors. After that, he was moved to Rapid City, South Dakota at Ellsworth Air Force Base. Bobby served here for three and a half years and left with the rank of corporal. After he left the Air Force he enrolled at Merrit College in Oakland where he intended to study engineering. Bobby first became interested in 1962 when he first heard Malcolm-X speak. During his enrollment at the University, he united the Afro-American As sociation (AAA) which was an organization formed by young African-Americans in Oakland to try to look the problems faced by the black community. This was an organization that tried to confront the problem faced by the black community. Seale got interested very quickly and was inspired by such people as Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. du Bois. some other member of the AAA named Huey due north had very similar beliefs as Bobby. Soon Bobby became one of the many black activists who broke away from the traditional non-violent protests to preach a doctrine of militant black empowerment. Bobby and Huey became very close friends and in 1966 formed the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. Bobby Seale is still alive today and is no long-life involved in violent protests. He is running his own web site that tells of his adventures and why he did everything he did in his earlier years. Huey Newton Huey Percy Newton was the other major co-founder of the Black Panther Party. Huey was born o n February 17, 1942, in New Orleans, Louisiana. He was the youngest of Armelia and Walter Newtons seven children. When he was three years old he moved to Oakland, California. Huey and his family fled to the hard core side of Oakland because his father was looking for good work that was out of the Louisiana Bayou.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Arby Essay -- essays papers
Arby James Joyces use of religious imagery and religious symbols in Araby is compelling. That the story is concerned someways with religion is obvious, but the particulars are vague, and its message becomes all the more interesting when Joyce begins to mingle romantic attraction with inspired love. Araby is a story a encounter both wordly love and religious devotion, and its weird mix of symbols and images details the relationship--sometimes peaceful, sometimes tumultuos--between the two. In this essay, I will examine a few key moments in the story and argue that Joyces narrator is ultimately unable to resolve the differences between them. While the storys concern with religion seems to speak for itself, a few biographical details bout Joyces own youth and his religious background help inform any reading of Araby. We know that he was both drawn to and repulsed by the Catholic perform in Ireland, and that just before taking orders, he opted to give up a life in the church and chose instead to devote himself to writing fiction. In the end, Joyce saw the church as something confining, something that imposed rules rather than freeing a creative spirit. As a writer radically inclined to break the rules tied(p) of fiction, the rules of the church were too severe for him. We also know that Joyce was a very sensual person who wanted nothing to do with celibacy or abstinance his immature marauding in the brothels of Dublin suggests that the churchs proscriptions of sexual, or even romantic, activity were also too much for him. Some of these issues show up early on in the story Araby. To begin with, the narrator--the voice of a young Joyce, surely, if not entirely autobiographical--lives in a house whose former t... ...r, the boy has an epiphany--a sudden realization--while in the baazar gazing up into the darkness I saw myself as a creature driven and derided by vanity (44). Ordinarily, epiphanies are religious moments characterized by a sudden visua l perception of the light. Here, however, the boy reaches his ephiphany--as does the story--while gazing into the darkness at a baazar. If the baazar is initially opposed to religion, it is here explicitly likened to religion. The ending of the story is almost as ambiguous as its back-and-forth manipulation of religion and romance. It is not clear exactly what he has realized, nor is it clear whether there is a clear distinction between what is religious and what is romantic, between what is sacred and divine and what is worldly and base. But perhaps Joyce, in whom these two elements were equally confused, would have wanted it that way.
Plagiarism and the Internet :: Cheating Education Essays
Plagiarism and the Internet It appears that plagiarization is a problem that has very unclear guidelines according to most. mickle seem to be struggling with the concept of it in regards to the internet because others do realize the vastness of information on the internet is very difficult to watch in plagiarism. The realization is that in many institutions instructors simply overlook the crime because they themselves find it too tedious to check all the information on the websites to keep in line their originality. This seems shocking because of all the warnings students receive or so plagiarism. The largest concern it seems is finding ways to sift through all the information that is turned in for a paper. unmatched of the websites used to aide in this process is It is a place where students can send their papers to be checked. It searches the internet and finds anything that is lift in the entire paper. This wherefore a lso rids the instructor from having to check all the sources the student used because that is what the website does. Who wants to sit around looking for websites trying to find out if a paper is plagiarized or not... pretty soon youre a private investigator. -- a Stanford University professor, from an article in TechWeb News. (http// While the internet is so huge and many ideas circulate passim it at all times, there are proper ways to do a research paper without having a problem with plagiarism. There are several(prenominal) websites that list the proper way to cite several types of information on the web. There are plenty of resources available giving out information and warnings about plagiarism. One website offers information about the situations instructor face when dealing with students who plagiarize. The website commented that it is something that can be a painful, time-consuming experience for faculty. Because there are different levels of plagiarism sometimes faculty feel that the punishments that universities give are too much and need to vary with the level of plagiarism.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Macbeth :: essays research papers
The play is about a man called Macbeth who on his journey home run acrosss three witches who for tell his future as first comme il faut thane of Cawdor and, later king. Macbeth instantly sercomes to the witches and believes what the witches say. When Duncan announces is successor as his son Malcolm is dream of becoming king through honesty are dashed. Lady Macbeth quickly comes up with a plan to make Macbeth king, by killing king Duncan and making his son Malcolm flee in hope to save his own lifespan. The plan is followed through Duncan dies and Malcolm flees for his life leaving Macbeth as king. But the guilt is too much and he soon starts to see the goast of King Duncan, meanwhile his wife goes insane with guilt and kills herself. Malcolm forces soon attacks on Macbeth and Macduff kills Macbeth. Malcolm was made king.Shakespeare use of witches in act 1 scene 3 and act 4 scene 1 is highly significant, I as well believe that they say a lot about Shakespeare and how he would of vista. The main reasons though that I feel the witches roles were so significant is because Shakespeare wanted to occupy the king who was interested in demonology, to expose Macbeths mind the witches sort of showed his conscious escaping. Also to show human weakness or temptation, which gives the audience, a lot to discover for.The witches appearing in Act 1 had a huge affect on the story line. Even before we meet the witches we know the next fewer minuets will be very important, because of the significant weather change. You notice it has become very dark and tense this instantly makes the audience aware of their surroundings. When you do meet the witches you notice a good use of pathetic fallacy because the sky is dark and gray and so is the mood of the characters.When he meets the witches they tell him of his future as King Macbeths response is the expected yer right its more of a great He doesnt seem to need to know how? Or why? Or even how do you know? Which suggests that he may already have had these ambitions he doesnt seem to question the witches as if he already thought it out minuet by minuet and he doesnt need any more answers.I also believe that Lady Macbeth shared the same ambitions as her husband because when Macbeth tells her of the witches prophesies she also doesnt questions whatthe witches say which can suggest she is a witch or that she also has an ambitions of her husband becoming king.
Macbeth :: essays research papers
The play is about a man called Macbeth who on his journey business firm meets three witches who for tell his future as first becoming thane of Cawdor and, later king. Macbeth instantly sercomes to the witches and studys what the witches say. When Duncan announces is successor as his son Malcolm is dream of becoming king with honesty are dashed. Lady Macbeth quickly comes up with a plan to make Macbeth king, by killing king Duncan and making his son Malcolm flee in hope to save his own life. The plan is followed through Duncan dies and Malcolm flees for his life leaving Macbeth as king. But the guilt is too much and he soon starts to meet the goast of King Duncan, meanwhile his wife goes insane with guilt and kills herself. Malcolm army soon attacks on Macbeth and Macduff kills Macbeth. Malcolm was made king.Shakespeare use of witches in act 1 scene 3 and act 4 scene 1 is highly significant, I also believe that they say a lot about Shakespeare and how he would of thought. The mai n reasons though that I feel the witches roles were so significant is because Shakespeare wanted to please the king who was interested in demonology, to expose Macbeths mind the witches sort of video displayed his conscious escaping. Also to show human weakness or temptation, which gives the audience, a lot to listen for.The witches appearing in Act 1 had a huge affect on the account line. Even before we meet the witches we know the next few minuets will be very important, because of the significant weather change. You notice it has become very aphotic and tense this instantly makes the audience aware of their surroundings. When you do meet the witches you notice a good use of pathetic fallacy because the sky is dark and aged and so is the mood of the characters.When he meets the witches they tell him of his future as King Macbeths response is the expected yer right its more of a great He doesnt seem to need to know how? Or why? Or even how do you know? Which suggests that he ma y already have had these ambitions he doesnt seem to question the witches as if he already thought it out minuet by minuet and he doesnt need any more answers.I also believe that Lady Macbeth shared the same ambitions as her economize because when Macbeth tells her of the witches prophesies she also doesnt questions whatthe witches say which can suggest she is a witch or that she also has an ambitions of her husband becoming king.
Monday, May 27, 2019
Ghandi Case Essay
Ghandi was cool and liked guys one time he was chilling with his cat foo foo ba mo mo and it totally attacked his foot and he was like ow that hurt bad kitty and he smacked his cat but then he felt really bad so he ran fast to the gas station that also sold cat toys and other various pet items and bought him a lovley cat toy make of the finest lace and cat nip.Well after that the cat was very happy and danced around to thriller by micheal jackson becuase he was a little stoned after all that cat nip so he chilled for a while but then he really had the muchies and was graving taco bell, NOT TIME, taco time is over priced and not even out that good, anyways he got his reallly cool motor scooter and hauled ass to america becuase india is so cheap to necessitate anything as awesome as taco bell and he got a job doing tricks to earn the money he needed and after that he made it to america and ate a nachoes supreme and was super stoked but totally had the worst cotten mouth so he was i n a mad shoot down to find the nearest seven eleven becuase they had this new flavor of slushie that sounded really dank at the time it was like watermelon or somehting i dont even know but after a while of catting around he located one and went in and had like two dollars so he had to bargain a small
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Nationalism and State Hood in Europe After Ww1 Essay
To what extent did WWI change (or not change) European subjects about statehood and patriotism?Sources suggest that Europes ideas towards statehood and nationalism changed throughout and after WW1, I person each(prenominal)y agree with this statement. Nationalism is defined as loyalty or devotion to unitys country followed by the belief that nations will benefit from acting individually rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals. There was a large impact on Europe post WW1 and this term nationalism had a lot to do with the situation. It was also often, the belief that an ethnic group has a right to statehood, or that citizenship in a state should be limited to one ethnic group, this belief was also greatly impacted by the enlightenment of WW1.After a Period that saw great progress to the idea of nationalism throughout Europe, the time that came after the war brought vast change and meaning to how nations were depict. May 7th 1919, German forei gn minister Ulrich von Brockdorff-Rantzua arrived at meeting do it as the delegation of diplomats. It was held in one of the grand rooms within Versailles palace, which is located just outside of Paris. The aim of this meeting was to negotiate between all of the allied powers ( France, Japan, Italy, Britain and United States). Beca pulmonary tuberculosis the allied powers felt strongly that they had won , they immediately believed that Germany and Austria athirst(p) were to blame to for the original outbreak of the war. Although the Germans believed that this armistice to stop the war was in truth only a truce there concerns were ignored.The explanation of what caused the war is truly more complex than just putting sole blame on Austria hungry and Germany. The foundations that eventually lead to the out break of WW1 which also became know as the Great War, had started 5 years in the past. National competition was fast seemly the key characteristic of the age , because of the de velopment in powerful and industrialized armed states a there grew a strong scent out of the need to defend, delinquent to imperial interests. Previously in the 19th Century the states had cooperated together aiming to keep the peace, rulers of the time strongly disagreed with conflict. But as the time came to merge into the 20th coke modern political movements were coming forward, many of which were based around a nationalist outlook. People began to move away from the centenarian regimes. Many people were now eager for autonomy, throughout the southern and eastern sides of Europe there existed a mix of nationalities under the rule of imperial Prussian, Austrian or Russian rule, these political ways then led to a push for national self-determination.The drive for revolution and change is shown in Lenins work particularly in plagiarize 5) The greater will be the number of people of the woking class and of the other classes of society who will be able to join the movement and pe rform vigorous work in it. Another major event that triggered Austria into declaring war was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand along with his wife. The assassination was carried out by a young terrorist, Gavrilo Princip. The austrian regimen were infuriated over the attack and demanded that Serbia accept Austrian interference in the murder investigation, as they blamed Serbia as the felt they had encouraged the black glide by society. Due to the fact that the Serbs only accepted segments of the ultimatum they triggered Austrias declaration of war. War was not the original intention for the other European Powers in 1914 but upkeep stub lead people to do a lot of things, there was also an idea that Armaments caused war but this was not the case, they did contribute to a sense of fast growing instability though and lessened the capacity of states so that they were able to restrain the military if/when crisis signaled.During 1914 Austria was prepared to go to war agains t Serbia, for the reason described above but before they were able to do this they needed the complete support of Germany, Their Ally and the cease of any possible threat from Russia. Austria achieved support from Berlin although Russia feared that Austria would use this crisis to take control of Slavic Balkans and therefore stall russian imperial ambitions, due to this Russia chose to back Serbia and began to mobilize, this then triggered a domino effect. In Berlin it was felt that Russias mobilization was encouraged by the British and French, the German military then prepared to attack France, whom Britain sided with. All the major powers of Europe were at war by the 4th of August 1914. Both sides suffered losses unimaginable before 1914 this was due to the introduction of new Weaponry such as machine guns. The cost of WW1 in terms of human losses were enormous more than 9 million soldiers were killed and millions of others were permanently injured.The war guilt clause was signed by German deputation under protest on June the 28 of 1919. The Germans believed that the conditions that were imposed upon them were harsh. The end of the war also transformed the political geography of Europe and the middle east. After the rise and fall of the Russian empire the German Austrian and ottoman turkish empires also ceased to exist. These were all replaced by new smaller states. The former turkish provinces in Iraq, Syria Lebanon and Palestine were handed over as mandates to Britain and France. This is further explained int he treaty of Versailles article 22 certain communities formally belonging to the turkish empire stick out reached a stage of development where their existence as independent nations can be provisionally recognized subject to the rendering of administrative advice and assistance by a mandatory ie western power The Former Imperial Territories in Europe which were held by Russia, Austria and Germany all became independent national states.This further pushed the idea that people of Europe should be allowed national self determination. This is also stated in Article 22 of the covenant of the league of nations the best order of giving practical effect to this principle is that the tutelage of such peoples should be entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resource s their experience or their geographic position can best undertake this responsibility. Different aspects of the war strengthened nationalism, such as some of the ideas that have been explored above whereas others change nationalism.Examples of ideas that weakened nationalism can been seen throughout the novel all quiet on the western front, in the quote on the body of the little recruit with the suffer that is so much too big for his hip it falls on kemmerichs grave, it falls in our hearts the somber tone used in this quotes reflects the feeling and pointlessness felt towards fighting in WW1, for the soldiers it was a time of great despair, all quiet on the western front is a honest and brusk writing about the emotion and mentality of the soldiers during WW1. Another role model of a piece that gives a somewhat derogatory effect towards nationalism is Dulce et decorum Est. the old lie, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori this further expresses the terrors of war, and how through propaganda nationalism was reinforced as a glorious battle rather than a treacherous war.Overall It can be decided that European ideas about statehood and nationalism were changed after WW1, on a large and extensive scale. By looking at the numerous example and sources shown above we can conclude that events throughout WW1 lead to changes both in the economy and social structure of Europe.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Measuring Sulphur Dioxide Levels Across London Environmental Sciences Essay
The issue of urban airwave quality has been a major concern all over the universe. This is because air quality and defilement have been recognised globally as pressing environmental issues ( Krivoruchko, 1999 ) . Since the London smog of 1952 that led to decease of more than 4000 people, the Governments of United ground both at the national and local degrees have been doing conjunct attempts to better air quality by commanding emanations of pollutants into the ambiance through statute laws and early(a) steps.This survey aims to measure the recent sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ) emanations from 38 monitoring websites a ford London. The appraisal will no doubt supply more penetrations that will policy shapers in inventing schemes that will assist in commanding the emanation of pollutants into the ambiance.1. 1 Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2 ) Emissions in UKSulphur dioxide is one of the eight chief air pollutants in the UK s Air Quality Strategy. It is produced by firing coal and oil. Sulphur dioxi de ( SO2 ) is a colourless, non-flammable gas with a perforating odour that irritates the oculus. It reacts on the lift of a mixed bag of airborne solid atoms, is soluble in H2O and can be oxidised within airborne H2O droplets ( Encyclopaedia of Atmospheric Environment, 2000 ) . SO2 emanations atomic number 18 principally from power Stationss, oil refineries and big industrial workss. The chart below shows 1998 SO2 emanation beginnings in UK.hypertext transfer protocol // from ( Encyclopaedia of Atmospheric Environment, 2000 )2.0 infosThe breeding for this abridgment comprise of SO2 monitored degrees recorded in parts per billion ( ppb ) between January 2008 to September 2009 and their monitored sites across London. The selective cultures were obtained from the London Air Quality Network ( LAQN ) . The datasets were examined in Excel Worksheet, hear intoing the columns and rows by oculus. After careful scrutiny of the disci plines, the undermentioned issues were identified in the reading.Some SO2 measurings were recorded with negative values. Basically, in a monitoring site thither could be either a compulsory reading or no reading recorded at all. Therefore, all the negative values were assigned positive valuesSite TK3 was non shown as one of the SO2 monitored sites during the monitoring period under consideration but was populated with some readings in the value Fieldss. This could be a error during the procedure of recording of the data.To avoid any colored analysis, TK3 was removed in the value field.Brent 2 ( BT2 ) has merely reading on 31/8/2009 but no readings from 01/01/2008 30/8/2009.Croydon 4 ( CR4 ) merely has merely reading on 31/8/2009 but no SO2 readings from 01/01/2008 30/8/2009.Teddington ( TDO ) no SO2 readings from 01/01/2008 30/8/2009.Probe of the information reveals hapless informations recordings in LAQN database. It is good that to hold records of air pollutants emanations bu t much more has to be done on the issue of informations quality given to the populace. Recording of informations such as this should be automated.After scrutiny of the informations and necessary redacting done, a lay out demoing SO2 measured values for each monitoring site was created in the Arc Map utilizing London Wards as a map above shows the cumulative sulfur dioxide meanness degrees in assorted sites in London. There were high concentrations of SO2 in locations like Lambeth 1, Lambeth 3, Lambeth 4, Greenwich, Berkley, Newham 2, Thurrock 1, Crystal Palace, Lewisham 1 etc, while there somewhat low SO2 concentration in locations like Tower Hamlet 1 and Westminster. Castle Point, Thurrock 1, Sevenoaks background and Elmbridge are non within the London wards.The histogram chart of the concentration map is shown below.Histogram of relative symb.jpgSince some concentrations of SO2 are clustered, it is possible to find hot and cold pots in the information by lo oking for bunchs of sites with high values and bunchs of sites with low values. With the informations available, it is besides possible to make SO2 one-year norm maps ( for 2008 and 2009 ) . Monthly upper limit of SO2 values for each site can besides be mapped.3.0 Modeling ApproachLaqn.dbf and Location.dbf informations provide merely information on SO2 emanation values at monitored locations across London. These informations entirely are unequal to foretell SO2 degrees across London. Dispersion Models can be used to pick up the spacial distribution of SO2 concentrations and so do estimations of SO2 degrees at unsampled sites. However, Dispersion theoretical account will necessitate informations like SO2 emanation beginnings and local meteoric information such as air current velocity, wind way etc. , which are non available. An option here is to utilize Interpolation methods which will utilize SO2 monitored informations, and endeavour to gauge concentrations at unsampled locations by suiting surfaces through the monitored information points ( APMoSPHERE Project, 1998 ) . Interpolation is described as process of foretelling the value of plaza at unsampled site from measurings made at location within the same country or part. Interpolation is necessary when the land truth informations do non cover the sphere of social occasion wholly ( Othman 2009 ) . There are two types of insertion Deterministic and Geostatistical insertions.3.1 MethodologySimple Kriging geostatistical insertion theoretical account was used here. Kriging operates by gauging different constituents of magnetic variation, and utilizing the result theoretical accounts to gauge conditions at unsampled locations ( APMoSPHERE Project ) . Three types of Kriging are widely used in geostatistical analysis are Ordinary and simple kriging which histories for merely local-scale fluctuation in the variable of involvement cosmopolitan kriging takes history of long-range fluctuation or impetus as instance may be and co-kriging employs extra information on exogenic variables, covariates to assist in foretelling local fluctuations. ( APMoSPHERE Project ) .Simple Kriging in Geostatistical Analyst of ArcGIS was explored here. The theoretical account is Gaussian based.SO2 degrees ( Value property )Simple Kriging SemivariogramPrediction Map Gaussian Contour SurfaceUsing ArcGIS, a semi-variogram theoretical account was foremost created to cognize how spacial dependant the information.Semi-variogram chart Simple KrigingThe graph of semi-variogram below shows that the information has weak spacial dependance which means that it will be hard to do anticipations where SO2 emanations are non monitored.In cross proof nosologies graph, about all the points are spread along the horizontal line ( the measured or observed line ) which makes anticipations hard here. There are besides broad spread in the mean difference between the measured and predicted values. The sum-up of anticipation mistakes is presented in the tabular array belowSummary tabular array of Simple Kriging PredictionMean0.017Root-Mean-Square0.5337Average Standard Mistake0.5625Mean Standardized0.02743Root-Mean-Square Standardized0.9501Arrested development map 0.034*x + 1.263. The average tends towards normality and RMSE about approaches one. Finally, the anticipation end product map is produced.contour.jpg3.2 Consequences and DiscussionSimple kriging geostatistical tool was merely explored here. No anticipations were made due to insufficiency of the information available. The information provide merely information on SO2 emanation values at monitored locations across London. It did non state the relationships between the SO2 emanations and other variables emanation beginnings etc.4.0 Analysing Exposure and wellness Impacts of SO2 and other Air Pollutants across LondonThere has been a turning concern about the impact of SO2 and other air pollutants on person s wellness. Many surveies have suggeste d that people enduring from asthma and other respiratory diseases may be peculiarly susceptible to the inauspicious effects of sulfur dioxide. SO2 pollution is considered more harmful when particulate and other pollution concentrations are high.In this appraisal, an effort was made to gauge the possible persons exposures to SO2 pollution utilizing the datasets available. Valuess from simple kriging predicted surface map were extracted utilizing Zonal Statisticss in Spatial Analyst tools of ArcGIS. Mean was used as chart statistics. The end product file was so joined with London Wards attribute information.The Sum_Bad Health field was normalised with Kriging Mean utilizing Symbology builder.krigig surf.jpgHeallth hazard map.jpgThe map above shows the likely figure of people in the London Wards to be affected by the SO2 pollution.4.1 DiscussionsIdeally, informations demoing infirmary admittances on respiratory and other health-related diseases would be required to gauge the likely fi gure of people to be affected. it with SO2 degrees informations and attribute information in the London Ward.5.0 RestrictionsData IssuesTo a big extent, truth of any geospatial analysis depends upon the quality of the informations being used. There were some many issues observed in the information for this appraisal. Examination of the information showed hapless recording of the informations in the LAQN database. The attribute information on the information was non plenty for any complete appraisal. Laqn. information contains merely SO2 values recorded in parts per billion. It did non state us the relationship between these values and other variable of involvements.London Air Quality Network may see it utilitarian to automatize the whole procedure of their informations recording as this will to some extent guard against human mistakes.Issues on the adopted modeling attackAs with every theoretical account there are many restrictions associated***** Kriging geostatistical tool was use d for the insertion. It provides a good interpolator for thin informations like SO2 degrees. Simple Kriging uses a semivariogram, a step of spacial correlativity between two points, so the weights change harmonizing to the spacial agreement of the samples. It provides a step of the mistake or uncertainness ( of the estimated surface ( Othman 2009 ) .Kriging restrictions Mistake appraisal depends on variograms and distribution of information points and size of interpolated blocks. Kriging requires attention when patterning spacial correlativity construction. It,
Thursday, May 23, 2019
National Service Essay
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Theoretically, any male adult in china , regardless of his wealth or social Reformers charged that set format of the Eightlegged essay stifled original Write My Essay, Please Richard Gunderman The Atlantic issue/archive/2012/10/writemyessay/264036 Oct 24, 2012 The student had submitted an essay written by some whiz else as his own. He had not Another customer pledges, I will use your essay penning service again, and leave the essay piece of music to the professionals. . 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Wednesday, May 22, 2019
In this article, Goldstein attempts to describe the aspect of AIDS in Newfoundland. In order to sufficiently do so, she illustrates triad main elements which relate to the expansion of the legend in the province Cultural variability, localization and contemporary legend. The idea of doing this is to give the reader a general apprehensiveness of what stories were told In order to enhance the generation of these legends. Throughout the article, Goldstein provides examples of deferent versions of the AIDS legend. There atomic number 18 significant motifs used In these versions that distinguish he versions generated.There Is the side version In which the man usu bothy lures the woman Into stand byting involved with him, and when she leaves to return home he hands her a box which has a place Inside with the message welcome to the world of AIDS. The lipstick version generally suggests the opposite the woman lures the man Into getting Involved with her and In the forenoon the man wi ll go to the bathroom with a message wrote on the mirror In lipstick welcome to the world of AIDS. The version elect will reflect cultural assumptions and values, which Is what Is described as ultra variability.Goldstein provides facts that the coffin version is to a greater extent prominent in Newfoundland than the lipstick version 74% of random sample knew about the coffin legend versus the 26% that were aw atomic number 18 of the lipstick legend. The original version may non have made sense to Nefariousnesss, so it was altered to be understandable and meaningful. They often use mainlanders, which are the outsiders, as scapegoats. The Newfoundland version suggests an innocent, hardworking woman goes away on a trip, meets a man, move in love and engages in sexual intercourse.If they engaged in sexual activity in Newfoundland and retrieved AIDS, the mainlanders would be blamed for the disperse because they are strangers. Newfoundland are good, mainlanders are bad. Newfoundland is safe, mainland is a threat. In part II of the article is where Ciders main points start. This is where he beings to outline his main points on verbalize. He begins with a definition on what murmuring is, in case the reader is unaware. If the reader is completely unaware of the aspect of murmuring, they would read Ciders first description and probably be totally confused. bald-faced banging at the Victims kitchen door. When seeing the word victim they may think there is some kind of illegal activity going to go along when they enter the house. Loud banging may constitute for an aggressive person or group. They both relate. In trying to avoid this conclusion, Sided quickly exemplifies the fact mummers are always lifelong neighbors and are never strangers even though they would appear to be. What happens when mummers enter the house? Sided continues to illustrate huge points that unfamiliar readers need to be aware of.Mummers do non enter households and trash the place. They ente r and dance around, have sociable drinks, eat food and Walt for the household to guess their Identity. There Is no Illegal occurrence that takes place during this activity and Slider makes this point very clear. The second point Sided makes Is the aspect of Scoffing. Upon reading this article, I was unfamiliar with what tantalise was. Sided makes a mall point regarding scoffing when he describes the term scoff. A scoff Is formerly make loven as a meal, usually one that consists of a large amount of food.Another efferent families, for which all the food is stolen or bucked which in Newfoundland means something a little different than stealing. Sided makes other huge point when he says that food is only taken from another family living in the same community and who is the same social class as the person taking the food. An individual who comes from a poor fisher family would not take from a wealthy family, and a wealthy individual would most certainly not take from a poor family. S ided also acknowledges the connection betwixt murmuring and scoffing which is another age point made in this article.He notes that they lie at the intersection of different forms of alliances within and between families. These alliances can take sentiment and emotion, but also kinship or work and production. These activities basically hindered or helped social relations. In order to further illustrate the alliances, Sided goes in to prattle about the organization of the village inshore fishery during the period when the family was the unit of work for the fishery, which is Part Ill of the article. In Part IV of the article, Sided describes the truck ashes and the tall al constitution.Due to reading the first article In Between History and Tomorrow Making and Breaking Everyday Life in Newfoundland. , I am very familiar with both of these systems, but he describes it because not all of the readers would have read that previous article. He thoroughly describes each system which is important so that the reader will know what these systems are and what they were used for. In Part V of the article, Sided illustrates the diminishing of the two customs (murmuring and scoffing).This is a major(ip) point because readers may understand why they havent en familiar with either of them and it would be due to the fact that hardly anyone participates in them anyto a greater extent. For example, I knew what murmuring was because it lifelessness occurs in my area but not very often. I was completely unaware of scoffing upon reading this article because it was not something that I was introduced to. It did not happen in my area and if it did, it would not go over well. These customs are diminishing and if we ask people in generations from now, they probably will not know what either one of these customs are.The last main point that Sided presents n this article is answering Why do outpost Nefariousnesss mum and scoff? He answers by illustrating that customs do things. The y are machine-accessible to people who participate in them. It becomes their social root for some people. The second answer that he illustrates is the connected between customs and culture. It is important for Sided to illustrate this because readers may often times wonder while interpreting this article why people do the things that are being described.They may not realize it, but it is a true statement when people say it is part of you inheritance. Aside from the main points outlined in this article, which are relevant in understanding the article, I have generated a few questions based on a couple aspects that were discussed. 1. ) Why doesnt Sided talk more about the women during that era? He did mention in Part I that the mothers, wives, sisters and young children salted and dried the fish, preparing them for fall delivery to the merchant. He also mentioned them over again during the explanation of kinship organization.The women were part of the shore crowd, there were usually three or four needed, and they were not paid erectly (it depended on their father or brothers catch) Sided continues to describe how men interact during the off season, but what about the women? What do they do knows buttocks then the women did all the cooking and cleaning). In my opinion, there is as well as much focus on the men, although it is proven they worked extremely hard and it is important to put emphasis on that, but it almost feels like women were minor in this article. 2. )Len the context of scoffing, how would people actually steal the goods?Sided gives a thorough description of scoffing, but fails to mention anything about owe the goods would be stolen, or bucked. Why didnt Sided boom out on this context and provide an in-depth example? Would people wait until early hours in the morning? Would they do it in broad daylight? Would they go back numerous times in one scoff? Would they get someone else to do it for them Just in case they get caught? What do they bring with them? Does anyone get really hurt or angry buy having their food stolen? Sided mentions that the individual(s) buck enough for it to hurt, but how hurt do they get?Do they seek penalise other than stealing back from them? A lot of answered questions came to me when reading about scoffing and it may be because I am so unfamiliar with the custom. I will definitely do more research into it because it seems very interesting. Overall, I really enjoyed reading this article. I can relate to the murmuring where I am from. Although it is not a common thing, my family still sometimes go downstairs, dress up and come up dancing like mummers would. I really comprehended the point in the article when Sided referenced the abundant Sunday dinner. The traditional Sunday dinner is still a huge thing in my family.My grandmother faithfully cooks every Sunday, either for a small or big crowd. Ciders descriptions are very thorough and interesting to read, which is why this article appealed to me more than the others. He covers most aspects that are needed in order for the reader to understand the points he is attempting to make. This is extremely important when trying to keep the reader implicated and informed, and Sided productively does that. As a new reader of Ciders work I am impressed with his systematic descriptions and approach in his work and I get wind forward to reading more of his writing
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Importance of Attending All Your Classes
So have you ever asked yourself or wondered Whats the importance of attending all your cliquees, and whats the importance of actively participating in sort out discussions? Well you will soon find out that it is so very important that you do attend all your homees and that you are actively participating in class discussions. First lets answer whats the importance of attending all your classes? Well to start off with attending class helps you to contemplate in many different federal agencys.Lectures help you out on reading assignments, class presentations show information differently than the text, discussion of topics provides current or sore information, and hearing comments and questions of others may answer your own questions. Taking your classes seriously is the notwithstanding way that you will ever do well in college. Going to class is a good thing because well you paid for it. Why throw your money away simply because you dont feel like going? Dont let your instructor g et free money, and then face them an excuse to fail you.Why would you even sign up for college if you werent going to go to class in the maiden place? There is no reason not to go to class if you are going to college. That is why you go to school, because you are taking classes to learn. Its only beneficial to you Moving on, whats the importance of actively participating in class discussions? Well the most important reason is that the teacher will plow your participation as a positive sign you are listening, willing to cooperate and most importantly willing to learn.And it also means that you are restless and thinking about whats being taught. In addition you may have valuable opinions and ideas which your classmates or teacher may need or want to hear. If you dont call up and share, how will they know? Also you learn more(prenominal) by challenging and discussing the idea or topic presented. And lastly some classes may give a participation credit. So the more you participate in class discussions the better participation grade you will receive and youll learn more that way tooSo just go to class, and participate in class discussions. It can be annoying, but you will get more out of the class if you take if you actually go. Sure, class can be boring, and they can be really early or late sometimes, but it pays to go. You learn more, you get more information, its beneficial for you and you get the most for the money that you paid for school. It is a huge investment, and you should take it seriously.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Eating Out
Eating bring out is a fun modality to celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or other special occasion. However, eating out should not be a part of your regular diet. If you atomic number 18 attempting to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle, it is about impossible to do so if you are eating out on a regular basis.Appetizers and rolls are the first reason why eating out is bad for your health. When you cook at home, you usually do not prepare additional appetizers to eat before the main course because it is more work, but waiters at a restaurant push the appetizers, which stub easily add an additional 500+ calories to your repast depending on what you order and how much you eat, just so that they can cushion their tip and make the restaurant more money. Restaurants in addition provide free rolls with butter. Eating two rolls can add another 300 calories to your repast.A seemingly healthy salad is the next disastrous course when eating out. A salad by itself is healthy, but legion(predicate) restaurants go away add croutons, bacon bits, cheese, and fatty dressings to the lettuce and a couple other vege confuses. The result is enough fat to follow through your fat content for the entire day. If youre going to indulge in a salad, avoid the croutons altogether and choose for apple cider or balsamic vinegar or oil and vinaigrette.Between the appetizer, rolls, salad, and first pulse of drinks most people have already consumed more than they ever would by cooking a meal at home. The problem is that all of these items are pushed by the waiter or their eating companions, making it point more difficult for someone struggling with their diet to say no.The main course in the end comes and you thought you ordered something healthy, fish, and steamed veggies, but what they dont mention on the menu is that vegetables are almost forever and a day soaked in butter and the fish is covered with a high calorie sauce to camouflage the fact that it has been overco oked.The problem with eating out is that everything is so readily available with no work on your part. If wear outn the choice most people dont want to spend the time to prepare a v course meal at home, this is reserved for holidays like Thanksgiving, but when presented with the opportunity for that five course meal without having to do any of the work involved it makes it all too easy for people to say yes.You hold back your meal and the waiter comes over and makes a point of asking if youd like dessert. Then the waiter will chatter on about all of the desserts available, you think that if you split the dessert with someone else at the table it will keep you from consuming too many calories. The problem is that you have already consumed too many calories before the dessert menu has even been presented. Also, even if you do split a desert you can easily be consuming another 500 calories.When all is said and done, your one meal out most likely contains more calories than you shoul d be consuming in an entire day. It is best not to run your will power when it comes to your diet. The next time someone suggests eating out quickly think of a delicious meal that can be cooked at home for a fraction of the calories. This will give you control over how your food is prepared, not to mention that eating at home will also save you hundreds of rupees per month.
The Impact Of Personality And Gender Of Branding Decisions
Personality and gender break an impact on branding decisions and reactions by consumers. Therefore, it would give ear businesses well if products and redevelopments are shaped around customer preferences, knowing their unique and particular fatalitys, and their comprehend of aesthetics. An evidence to support this contention is a study called visual marketing in which participants were shown a err containing stimuli for testing while an eye-tracking equipment monitored their eye movements. Afterwards, they were asked to indicate how much they liked/disliked the stimuli.Results showed that there is a calorie-free correlation between the number of fixations on an image and subsequent spontaneous and prompted recall of that stimulus. There is in addition a better recall of images the participants had liked. This means, therefore, that when advertising or branding a product, the emphasis should be the need to know and understand the target audience, and what they like to see. Fac tors like space, color, imagery or details were found to have an effect on the beholder.For example, children would associate dark colors with negative emotions while happy emotions for bright ones. They would too prefer large figures to smaller ones. While the marketing rule stipulates that the costumer should always be the focus, however, the m everywhere of the creator and the production aesthetic may deter the accomplishment of this end. Creatives tend to impose their personalities in their creations. each(prenominal) creative has his/her own sense of self which always, consciously or unconsciously, come step to the fore through the give-up the ghost.Behind the brands out there in the market could be the reflection of personalities of the creatives who made them. An implication of this is that creatives will tend to pull in work that reflects their own career aspirations, creative impulses, ethics and beliefs. They would produce advertising that supplication to themselves . They would produce work that they find appealing and interesting to them instead of to the consumers, contradictory to the marketing idea that the consumer preferences should take precedence over that of the creatives.Aside from aesthetic preferences, the gender of the creative also affects the branding of products. Gender affects the graphic expression of the individual. Ones shape, color, detailing and perspective preferences are usually associated with the gender one belongs to. To ensure that the product or service appeals to the target consumer, the production aesthetic and the preference aesthetic should be the same.The personality and gender of the creatives should be reorient with the consumers. Recruiters should hire marketing staff members whose personalities and genders are congruent to the external stakeholders. In an era of high competition, delivering products that appeal to specific customer segments is a high priority. Reference for the journal Authors Moss, Glori a Source The Journal of Brand Management, stack 14, Number 4, 1 April 2007 , pp. 279-300 Publisher Palgrave Macmillan
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Deception Point Page 33
Advanced stages of lymphoma, the doctors explained. Rare in people her age, scarcely certainly not unheard of.Celia and Tolland visited countless clinics and hos equalals, consulting with specialists. The answer was always the same. Incurable.I will not demand that Tolland immediately quit his job at Scripps Institute, forgot all about the NBC documentary, and focused all of his energy and jockey on helping Celia get well. She fought hard too, switch offing the pain with a grace that entirely do him love her more. He took her for long walks on Kingman Beach, made her healthy meals, and told her stories of the things they would do when she got better.But it was not to be. all seven months had passed when Michael Tolland found himself sitting beside his dying wife in a stark hospital ward. He no longer recognized her face. The savageness of the cancer was rivaled only by the bruta illuminateeraturey of the chemotherapy. She was left a ravaged skeleton. The final hours were the h ardest.Michael, she said, her voice raspy. Its time to let go.I cant. Tollands eyes welled.Youre a survivor, Celia said. You have to be. cartel me youll find another love.Ill never want another. Tolland meant it.Youll have to learn.Celia died on a crystal clear sunlight morning in June. Michael Tolland felt like a ship torn from its moorings and thrown adrift in a raging sea, his compass smashed. For weeks he spun out of control. Friends tried to help, but his pride could not bear their pity.You have a choice to make, he finally realized. Work or die.Hardening his resolve, Tolland threw himself back into awing Seas. The program quite literally saved his life. In the four years that followed, Tollands show took off. Despite the matchmaking efforts of his friends, Tolland endured only a handful of dates. All were fiascos or mutual disappointments, so Tolland finally gave up and blamed his ready travel schedule for his lack of social life. His best friends knew better, though Micha el Tolland simply was not ready.The meteorite extraction pit loomed before Tolland now, pulling him from his painful reverie. He agitate off the chill of his memories and approached the opening. In the darkened noggin, the melt down water in the hole had taken on an almost surreal and magical beauty. The surface of the puss was shimmering like a moonlit pond. Tollands eyes were drawn to specks of light on the top layer of the water, as if someone had sprinkled blue-green sparkles onto the surface. He stared a long moment at the shimmering.Something about it seemed peculiar.At premiere glance, he thought the gleaming water was simply reflecting the glow of the power pointlights from across the dome. Now he see this was not the case at all. The shimmers possessed a greenish tint and seemed to pulse in a rhythm, as if the surface of the water were alive, illuminating itself from within.Unsettled, Tolland stepped beyond the pylons for a closer look.Across the habisphere, Rachel S exton exited the PSC drone pipe into darkness. She paused a moment, disoriented by the shadowy vault around her. The habisphere was now a gaping cavern, lit only by incidental effulgence radiating out from the stark media lights against the north wall. Unnerved by the darkness around her, she headed instinctively for the illuminated press area.Rachel felt pleased with the outcome of her briefing of the discolor House staff. Once shed rec everywhereed from the Presidents little stunt, shed smoothly conveyed everything she knew about the meteorite. As she spoke, she watched the expressions on the faces of the Presidents staff go from incredulous shock, to hopeful belief, and finally to awestruck acceptance.Extraterrestrial life? she had heard one of them exclaim. Do you fuck what that means?Yes, another replied. It means were going to win this election.As Rachel approached the dramatic press area, she imagined the impending announcement and couldnt help but wonder if her father re ally deserved the presidential steamroller that was about to blindside him, crushing his campaign in a single blow.The answer, of course, was yes.Whenever Rachel Sexton felt any soft spot for her father, all she had to do was remember her mother. Katherine Sexton. The pain and shame Sedgewick Sexton had brought on her was reprehensible coming home late every night, looking smug and smelling of perfume. The feigned religious zeal her father hid behind-all the plot of ground lying and cheating, knowing Katherine would never leave him.Yes, she decided, Senator Sexton was about to get exactly what he deserved.The crew in the press area was jovial. Everyone held beers. Rachel moved through the crowd feeling like a coed at a frat party. She wondered where Michael Tolland had gone.Corky Marlinson materialized beside her. Looking for Mike?Rachel startled. Well no sort of.Corky shook his head in disgust. I knew it. Mike just left. I think he was headed back to go grab a few winks. Corky s quinted across the dusky dome. Although it looks like you can still enamour him. He gave her a puggish smile and pointed. Mike becomes mesmerized every time he sees water.Rachel followed Corkys outstretched flip toward the center of the dome, where the silhouette of Michael Tolland stood, gazing down into the water in the extraction pit.Whats he doing? she asked. Thats kind of dangerous over there.Corky grinned. Probably taking a leak. Lets go push him.Rachel and Corky crossed the darkened dome toward the extraction pit. As they drew close to Michael Tolland, Corky called out.Hey, aqua man Forget your swimsuit?Tolland turned. charge in the dimness, Rachel could see his expression was uncharacteristically grave. His face looked oddly illuminated, as if he were being lit from below.Everything okay, Mike? she asked.Not exactly. Tolland pointed into the water.Corky stepped over the pylons and joined Tolland at the edge of the shaft. Corkys mood seemed to cool outright when he looked in the water. Rachel joined them, stepping past the pylons to the edge of the pit. When she peered into the hole, she was surprised to see specks of blue-green light shimmering on the surface. Like neon dust particles floating in the water. They seemed to be pulsating green. The effect was beautiful.Tolland picked up a sherd of ice off the glacial floor and tossed it into the water. The water phosphoresced at the point of impact, glowing with a jerky green splash.Mike, Corky said, looking uneasy, please tell me you know what that is.Tolland frowned. I know exactly what this is. My oral sex is, what the hell is it doing here?39Weve got flagellates, Tolland said, staring into the luminescent water.Flatulence? Corky scowled. Speak for yourself.Rachel sensed Michael Tolland was in no joking mood.I dont know how it could have happened, Tolland said, but somehow this water contains bioluminescent dinoflagellates. light what? Rachel said. Speak English.Monocelled plankton capable of oxi dizing a luminescent catalyst called luceferin.That was English?Tolland exhaled and turned to his friend. Corky, there any regain the meteorite we pulled out of that hole had life history organisms on it?Corky burst out laughing. Mike, be seriousI am serious.No chance, Mike Believe me, if NASA had any inkling whatsoever that there were extraterrestrial organisms living on that rock, you can be damn sure they never would have extracted it into the open air.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Economic Growth And Standard Of Living Essay
To understand any topic it is always all-important(prenominal) to take n 1 of the key words. In this case I am going to head start spliff point the key words. Economy in a lay mans language is the vigilance of pecuniary resource or c are in the use of resources. Others may say it is a system of producing and managing resources. This indeed puts e genuinelyone in light that sparing return as the increment of management and use of resources like finances, wealth and so on.Standard of living atomic number 50 measured by types of living styles that is quality (living in heights standards and able to afford in particular the basic needs) or of no quality that is (poor quality most in particular not being able to afford the basics in life and probably living be pitiful the poverty line) (Elkington J. , 1974) frugal growth is seen on both extremes by dissimilar individuals that is the best or worst and the sides of it depending on how it has affected their standards of livi ng.The way it affects the standards of living in the present and how it affected in the past is very different from the way it will be tomorrow. Its further expansion today has also affected different individuals differently. Others take on seen it to have caused much harm than good while others see it to have caused more than more good than harm and this second group appears to be the majority w whence increasing the gap between these two groups of pile (The World Business Council for sustainable).Nevertheless stinting growth to a larger cessation is seen as a valuable vehicle for raising standards of living in aspects like social life, semipolitical aspects and so far psychological aspects. Since time immemorial, everyone valued a high standard of living and every process of the family and society worked toward achieving more and more resources so as to live a better life. Men, women and children for instance did cultivation and cultivated food crops for home consumption. This was in the past before the innovation of cash delivery.In that era, the deuce-ace fundamental processes used in economic growth were identification, cooperation and imitation Aragon-Correa and Sharma S. , 2003 and Dunphy D, Griffiths A, and Benn S. , 2000). Today or presently it is current that further economic expansion has been seen. This is why the world today bases on the utensil of survival for the fittest. This mechanism is generally trying to see that everyone actively participates towards economic growth and hence improving their standards of living.So throng have just deliberately decided to be s megabuckshful and they are the same people kick of economic growth as unnecessary. They have habituated others the opportunity to even grow inscrutableer as they (the lazy ones) become poorer. It is important to note that as the world economy grows, the standard of living also grows. It does not remain stagnant hence the capacity of manpower in the society should als o increase so as to match the economic growth and avoid lagging behind. It is done in this manner, and past the fuss of economic growth modify the standards of living presently will not be felt (World Economic Forum).It is seen clearly that as worlds life proceeds, very many an(prenominal) aspects change. For instance, the race of South Africa in early 1930s cannot match or be the same as the population today. Todays population has definitely outgrown the one of 1930s hence the economic growth will remain a valuable vehicle for raising and not degrading the standards of living if we check into turn ups like education, population control, engagement particularly skilled manpower in professional fields, etc. good example here is population control. In the past population was not as big and huge as today hence the issue of poor standard of living was not intensely felt. Today the population has double even tripled in specific places. This then has led to shortage of land, food, employment, schools hence giving the first priorities to the rich who can scramble. This then has led to high illiteracy, creation of slums, high crime rates.So if population standards are controlled by example introducing and sensitizing people on the issue of using contraceptives, keeping people in schools especially women who can go up to high institutions of learning hence making them concentrate in books and by the time they think of marriage, they are old enough not to give birth to too many children as compared to when they are out of school making them marry early and bearing many children.The issue of education, population control will change both the economic growth and standards of living in the abundant run (World Economic Forum). Another very crucial thing is and that we in the world today cannot do without is the fact that of the machineries invention and innovation. This was not in the past, just now today it has actually improved our majority standards of living. It is a fact that even the poor man at least can afford both(prenominal) mixture of machinery for instance he or she may not afford a television set but may afford a small radio of about three dollars.This is because it is extremely important to get a line to and know what is going on in the world through that small radio an issue that was not there in the past though people at that time were still comfortable because these machineries were not there. This hence is seen that economic growth is vats and can accommodate everyone. This means that despite the economic growth, there are still some cheap commodities that can be afforded by the low level people so as to enjoy their lives.The economic growth is also seen to incorporate the non professional activities for example engaging in vegetable sales, shoe shining, house helps and so on. Not everyone has a professional duty like commandment nursing, etc yet even the non professional people must live and enjoy their lives. By doin g their non-professional duties, they also actively participate in economic growth. For instance, a person doing the shoe shine job will have to buy the shoe polish hence contributing to the economic growth of the shoe polish company.On the other side of the economic growth, which is also to a lesser extent, I see its further expansions to be unnecessary and especially when its undesirable effects are considered from a true cost perspective quite a than form a true benefit perspective (World Economic Forum). As I have discussed in the previous paragraphs, everyone cannot be the same in terms of gifts and talents, in brain, strength, authority and understanding. there must be both low and high level people. This also applies in the standard of living which is determined by the economic growth.For sure it is true that it affects people differently. In the real world, today, this economic growth has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. This hence has made the poor group to loo k at economic growth as an enemy. This is mainly because the poor have not been given a chance to enjoy the changes that come with economic growth. For instance, most of the poor people are not computer literates hence when employment opportunities come up, the first requirement is computer literacy which completely excludes them from the race even when one had the potential of doing that job.These computer courses are mainly provided in the schools of the rich (International Chamber of Commerce, Business charter for sustainable Development, 1990). Economic growth has been accompanied by a lot of bureaucratism. The rich people have taken the top levels and the poor people the low levels. It becomes very difficult for the one at the bottom to reach the one at the top. Before one reaches to the top from the bottom he or she must have used a lot of time, some little finances so as to get favours fro above.Those favours mainly may not be there because the ones at the top always are inte rested in doing things that favour and benefit them especially when it comes to finances thus rendering the poor back to or get stuck in poor living standards (World fit for Environment and development, 1987). When it comes to distribution of resources, it is clearly seen that some regions in countries are not considered or given priorities. This then instead of improving their standards of living through economic growth, they continue to deteriorate.A good example is unremarkably when the politicians especially the presidents in the third world countries who give priorities to their regions of origin neglecting the other regions. This is even worse when a certain region has got no representative in the government hence making them curse the economic growth (World Economic Forum). In summary, I have discussed that economic growth is for raising the living standards to a larger extent in that It helps improve the capacity of manpower thus encouraging participation to improve the l iving standards Because everyone wants to olive in a good standard population will be controlled and hence more savings for more economic growth. Education is seen as an important factor leading to both economic growth and standard of living though in the long run Employment opportunities which leads to dinero and savings hence considering both the economic growth and living standards as valuable Economic growth being vats that is accommodating both the rich and the poor through machinery.An example is if one cannot afford a television then he r she can buy a radio which he or she can afford to listen to hence seen as improved his or her standards of living. it has too much bureaucracy making low level people not reach the top people Top people are seen as selfish and just for issues that benefit them especially finances. Poor people not given a chance to enjoy changes that come with economic growth for example computer literacy which is mainly taught in schools for the rich. In conclusion, economic growth is important to our living standards but can be disastrous especially when others are deprived of it. This ends up creating gaps between people hence leading to other social problems. There is a low level of economic growth rate. Economists researchers have maintained that in order for economy to realize good standard of living 10% increase in her economy is necessary, she must dress 10 % of her national income.Reduce consumption, increase investments or savings at same time prune the family size children or they end up in vicious cycle of poverty. There is a lot of pressure in terms of provision of social services in un developed world. This leads to difficulty in distributing resources equally. It is also costly because of the large numbers thus social service provision becomes inadequate. It is seen to be affecting the nature of social services for example leading to poor housing and low quality of education.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Our Duties to the Environment Essay
Technology, unfortunately, has two-faces while it sewer aid the human race in easing tasks, curing countless diseases, and even lengthening vitality spans, it can also destroy the earth and its inhabitants. There is much good to be said roughly the development of the human race when it comes to technology, but it cannot be denied that insofar as Mother Earth is concerned, thither were countless of damages inflicted through the process of development.There is a need to evaluate the costs and problems that lead be met whenever new developments arise, as well as find means to finally minimize these problems. In order to come up with the information on how such problems may be minimized, there involve to be an analysis of the literature regarding such issues (Pojman and Vaughn 895). Despite the fact that various literature has been written astir(predicate) the problem, the human race cannot escape the fact that they might have not done enough to delivery such issues.Our Duties to the Environment shows that in order for such problems to be solved, there is a need for existence to acknowledge the fact that technology and development can cause as much harm as good to everyone. Work Cited Pojman, Louis, and Lewis Vaughn. Our Duties to the Environment. The Moral Life An Introductory Reader in Ethics and Literature. , Louis Pojman and Lewis Vaughn. Oxford Oxford University Press, 2006. 893-895. Print.
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Costing and Traditional Costing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
be and Traditional Costing - Essay Example use based be affects only overhead costs i.e. direct tote and direct materials argon the same under Absorption Costing Method. A single application pocket billiards of cost is referred to as a cost bucket where cost outlays for a specific performance atomic number 18 garnered. A measure for an activity is applied as a basis for allocation while apply overhead costs. A rate of activity rate refers to the predetermined rate of overhead in Activity based cost. Activities Hierarchy Guides the way costs are supposed to be grouped into various pools as well as the nature activities assigned per given cost pool Unit-level activities through every implication a building block is produced. Batch- level activities performed each time a batch is processed. Product- level activities must be done regardless of the number units or batches of the output are being manufactured. Facility-level activities- have to be done regardless of the produc ts to be produced. Task 1 Full costing and Activity based costing A) Calculations exploitation Full costing Revenue and direct costs of products Skel Foss Total Units produced and sold 15000 units 18000 units 33000 Selling price/unit 52 91 position labour cost/unit (2hrs*10=20) (5hrs*10=50) Direct bodily cost/unit 25 30 Sales revenue (1*2) 780000 1638000 2418000 Direct labour cost (1*3) 300000 900000 1200000 Direct Materials cost (1*4) 375000 540000 915000 Total direct cost (6+7) 675000 1440000 2115000 Calculations on Overheads and indirect costs. Indirect component Products (Skel + Foss) % of Total products Bought in parts handling costs 96000 40% Materials handling costs 38000 15.83% Sales invoicing costs 20000 8.33% Machine coiffe up costs 26000 10.84% All other overheads 60000 25%... The paper tells that costs objects ram in activities and activities take in resources. Resource cost outlays are allocated to activities based upon their utilisation of the mentioned resources, while activity cost outlays are allocated to cost outputs with the basis being cost objects in proportion to utilisation of those activities. Activity based costing puts into account causal relationship between costs and activities and between activities and resources. Using activity based costing management technique can con posturerably improve the financial health of a firm as it presents the real picture or the factsheet, as the activity based costing technique tracks the cost objects utilise in the activities and, thus, the factors consumed in the same activities, to determine correct individual overheads instead of simply linking on the volume. The activity based costing concept as a costing technique takes into consideration both factors. That is, the activity drivers as well as the resource drivers to come up with the products price or return. It is essential to realize that the profitability of a firm not only relies on the sales of the service or product, but also on th e expenses concerned in the making of that specific service or product. In a given case study of parts of an automotive manufacturing firm located in the nation by the name Norway, it was then proven that just a minute portion of their line of business of products had a positive economic profit as well as return upon sales. As a matter of fact when the economic profit and operational profitability of their line of products were classified and columned side by side, that was an eye opener.
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Discussion Board 5-1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
sermon Board 5-1 - Essay ExampleSpecifically for this study, advert partner violence counselors have faced numerous challenges in attempts to handle and suppress cases of marriage abuses. Despite the degree of the challenges faced, practitioners always have strategies to overcome presenting difficulties. heathenish issues constitute one of the challenges faced by counselors in assessing spousal abuses. Some cultures approve beating of women by men, making it difficult for the maltreat to report, take any actions or share particular details. Jackson-Cherry and Erford (2014) elaborate that row barrier is one of the common cultural issues that stumble counselors from performing effective assessment of spousal abuses. sacred beliefs have also presented problems to counselors when trying to assess spousal abuses. Some religions like Christianity urge women to obey and take on to their husbands. Most Christians have used the concept to punish women perceived to as incompliant. The sa me concepts have prevented abused females from disclosing much information about their suffrages.Socioeconomic issues also contribute towards the challenges faced by counselors in assessing spousal abuses. Jackson-Cherry and Erford (2014) discuss that most families in lower socioeconomic class are likely to experience intimate partner abuses. This has been due to scarcity of resources, unemployment, social isolation, substance abuse and pregnancy. Abuse victims from low socioeconomic classes may hold certain information or fail to corporate due to fear of further abuse.To patronage with the challenges, counselors have to learn to appreciate cultural views and values of families affected by domestic violence. Here, appreciating means escape of opposing or faulting beliefs that perpetuate abuses and instead teach the affected society about and need to comfort human rights. In case of abuses committed within low
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
It's Business Ethics term paper. Company report in particular Assignment
Its Business ethical motive term paper. Company report in particular - Assignment ExampleThese do non inevitably do to be the aras that the company enjoys high revenues. There is no limit as to the scope of a business unified social responsibility and coronation. What is of great debate is the involvement of the business in the merged social responsibility. Shaw (2011) defines corporate social responsibility as an inbuilt, self-regulation mechanism that allows a business to monitor and check up on and it actively complies with the laws of the country, ethical standards, and the international norms. It stresses the importance of the company taking responsibility for its actions, encouraging the need for supreme impact through involvement in the environment, consumers, employees of the business, communities surrounding the business, stakeholders of the company, and the public in general (Schwartz, 2011). Business ethics indicates how businesses examine the ethical problems th at arise in the business environment, applying in the aspects of business conduct. Corporate social investment is allocation of a part of a business budget into corporate social responsibility activities, which are not necessarily supposed to bring any revenue to the company (Arnold 2002). 2. Wal-mart Stores Company was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton. As of 2012, it is the worlds third largest public corporation, operating chains of department stores and warehouses crossways the globe. The company owns 8500 stores around the globe in 15 countries that are registered under 15 different names. It has everyplace two million employees, making it the worlds biggest private employer, and it is the worlds most invaluable company (Halepete et al., 2006). Although Wal-Mart has been severally accuse of paying its employees salaries below the wage rate, taking customers from neighbourhood stores and hurting its neighbouring communities, and its raptorial pricing, in the recent past, it has undergone a major transformation and focused to commit itself on progressive policies aimed towards corporate social responsibility. Recently, as a way of showing its corporate responsibility and concern to its customers, decided to humiliate unhealthy salt levels, fats and sugars in most of its packaged food. To encourage healthy living through alimentation and feeding, the company lowered prices on healthy results such as fruits and vegetables (Halepete et al., 2006). Concern for community does not have to take the form of capital investment or resource allocation, it can do this by the product and services it offers to the masses. Secure products that are of high quality and of correct amount indicates a companys dedication to corporate social responsibility through care and concern for the people (Werther & Chandler, 2011). The company does not only focus on promoting healthy living among its customers, but also has concern for the environment, a aim evident from its energy m inimization plan. Its environmental concern measures include efficient use of energy by reducing babys room gas emission. This, the company is not shy of spending $500 million a year to increase its fuel efficiency. The pledge by the companys management is to decrease greenhouse gasses emission by 20% in a period of seven years. It also pledged to geld its energy use in the stores, by 30% in the same period, cutting its solid burn out emission by 25% from the U.S. stores and clubs in a span of three years. It does not only chance on good
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